Tag: Vertabelo News
Vertabelo Database Designer: The New UI Design and UX Improvement, Part I
Have you already noticed the Vertabelo Database Modeler has a new look now? The entire graphic design changed significantly at the end of January.
Over the past few years, we have been observing how the previous interface worked and paying great attention to the experience of our users. Equipped with the knowledge we have gathered, we developed a completely new graphic design of our ERD tool and implemented several ergonomic improvements to individual functional elements.
2020 Was Vertabelo Database Modeler’s Year. It’ll Get Even Better in 2021.
2020 is coming to an end. It's been a busy year for us, so let's summarize what we did at Vertabelo. I will also show you how the Vertabelo database modeler will evolve in 2021. This is already a great tool, but it will be even better. See what we plan to do.
I am not exaggerating when I say that we had our hands full in 2020. In addition to constantly improving the Vertabelo database modeler and creating new Vertabelo Academy courses, we have launched completely new platforms for learning SQL and Python.
Upcoming Changes in Vertabelo Team Account
We listened to your feedback and improved managing Vertabelo team accounts. No more confusing switching back and forth between personal and team accounts. And since Vertabelo is all about modeling, we couldn’t stop ourselves from using database models to explain the upcoming changes.
In the next couple of days we will introduce major changes to the way we handle Vertabelo team accounts. After the changes are implemented, each user account will either be a personal account or be a member of a team account.
How do I pay for a company account after the trial period ends ?
If your 14 days company account trial period is going to end and you want to continue using the company account, there is an easy way to set up a monthly subscription for the appropiate number of users.
In the Company menu click on Payments. In the Account plan section, click the Change account plan button.
Pick the number of user accounts and enter a promotional coupon code if you have one.
How do I create a company account ?
If you need many accounts for your employees and don't want to pay for each account separately, create Vertabelo company account. A company account enables model sharing, inviting people, working on a model at the same time, and paying for group of workers.
If you already have an individual account, set up a company account.
In addition, a company account has all of the features of an individual Premium account (unlimited number of tables/models), extended with: ability to manage users/teams.
1000 users and growing strong!
It's already been 100 days since we launched Vertabelo and there are already 1000 satisfied Vertabelo users. Thank you for your trust and interaction! What did our journey look like?
We had 18 years of experience in building big business applications. We knew that existing tools for designing databases didn't match the demands of the current digital world, so we took up the challenge to create a tool which supports collaboration and distributed teams, has a non-intrusive user interface, and enables you to work from your web browser.
How to use promotional codes?
Here you find how to use our promotional coupon codes to buy our paid services. You can get promotional codes at developer conferences or similar events that we sponsor. If you already have a Vertabelo account go to step 2.
1. Create Vertabelo account If you don't have the Vertabelo account, please go to our simple registration form and fill in it. After clicking Create account button we will send you an email with confirmation link.