Tag: Database

Top 10 Online Communities for Database Designers

Exploring online communities for database designers: navigating through the best forums and networks for professional growth and learning In the dynamic landscape of database design, the continuous evolution of knowledge and best practices is a journey, not a destination. For the database designer, this journey is punctuated by the rich interactions and exchanges found within various online communities. These digital forums, ranging from expansive generalist networks to specialized niches, are more than just repositories of information; they are vibrant ecosystems where ideas flourish and professional growth is nurtured.

How to Migrate Your Database

Migrating a database between two different schemas involves serious risks to data integrity and application availability. Read this article to learn data migration best practices and ensure satisfactory results. Database schemas are constantly evolving. This evolution can be a consequence of many reasons, including version changes in an application that uses the database, refactoring processes to improve database design, or the integration of different applications. As database designers, we commonly face the challenge of migrating a database to a new schema.

What Is a Database Diagram?

A database diagram is essentially an abstract graphical representation of the structure of a database. It can be used both as a tool to assist in the design of a database and as a document that shows the structure of an existing database. You can think of a database diagram as a poster that you stick on a wall for programmers to look at when they need to know the name of a table or column.

A Beginner’s Guide to Database Security

How do database pros guard against data breaches? A quick overview of database security essentials: authentication, encryption, user access, and more. Some time ago, I came across WIRED's article on the data breach at Vastaamo, a Finnish mental health provider network. It read like a cyberthriller: someone hacking into a massive database of patients' deepest, darkest secrets and using them to blackmail the company, the individual patients, and the community as a whole.

What Is the Best Design for an Address Database Model?

Find out how to build an address data model for different business needs. Address modeling in a database can be tricky: what's the best way to split the data (street, city, state, etc.)? Is normalization more critical than performance? What ERD and data modeling tools do I use?  When should I use domain acronyms and values ? Will the address structure meet all the business needs? Are these decisions the best for the project?

When to Choose SQL vs. NoSQL Databases for Your Project

NoSQL databases promise flexibility and performance benefits for certain use cases. But is it worth leaving behind the relational database comfort zone that guarantees consistency and organization? Read on and find the answers to the NoSQL vs. SQL database debate. We probably all agree on the most basic definition of what a database is: a repository of information organized in such a way as to make it easy to update, search, and read.

5 Important Database Concepts for the Software Engineer

If you have this guide at hand at all times, you don’t need to distract your database experts every time a data need arises during a software development process. Software engineering jobs are a good fit for people capable of dealing with diverse concepts. These concepts range from requirements analysis, team leadership, project management, scripting languages, testing techniques, to continuous integration, just to name a few. Then, there are a bunch of important database concepts for a software engineer to know: normalization, denormalization, SQL, No-SQL, ERDs, query optimization, etc.

A Data Model for an Online Musical Equipment Shop

What kind of data model supports an online musical equipment store? Musical equipment shops used to be one of those old-fashioned industries, one that you wouldn't expect could (or should) adapt to the online world. It wasn't unreasonable to paint such a picture. After all, you can't choose your ideal guitar based solely on magazine pictures, can you? Musicians and wannabe-musicians need to try various instruments, hearing and feeling how each one responds when played.

An Antique Store Data Model

You might run an antique store because you love history, but you’ll need modern technology to keep everything organized! In this article, we discuss what an antique store’s database model would need. Antiques are cool. I bet we all love history and antiques in some way. Some admire Victorian furniture, others are thrilled about old coins, vintage weapons, or medieval armor. Still others enjoy reading or just looking at old books or manuscripts.

The Proper Way to Handle Multiple Time Zones in MySQL

In this article, I’ll walk you through some fundamental considerations for working with date- and time-related data in MySQL. We’ll also look at how to handle multiple time zones and daylight saving time changes. Let’s first address some core concepts that will help us understand the underlying complexity of time-related data. It is important to notice that these concepts apply when representing a point in time rather than an absolute duration.

A Project Management Data Model

Project management is a booming field. In this article, we’ll examine a data model to support a project management app. Project management is anything but an easy task. You are limited in many ways – materials, costs, human resources, and project deadlines spring to mind – but it’s still up to you to deliver a result on time. If you think of building a pyramid, you can easily conclude it was a case of project management!

Again and Again! Managing Recurring Events In a Data Model

A recurring event, by definition, is an event that recurs at an interval; it’s also called a periodic event. There are many applications which allow their users to setup recurring events. How does a database system manage recurring events? In this article, we’ll explore one way that they are handled. Recurrence is not easy for applications to deal with. It can become a hurricane task, especially when it comes to covering every possible recurring scenario – including creating bi-weekly or quarterly events or allowing the rescheduling of all future event instances.

Does Evolving Contact Information Mean Changing Your Database?

There are a number of ways to contact someone these days, right? We have various phones: mobile and landline, personal and work. We have different addresses – residential, mailing, billing, business, etc. – and likely several email addresses, too. Don’t forget Skype and various messaging apps. Now add in LinkedIn and Facebook –which by the way, both have their own messaging elements. Not that long ago, many of these didn’t exist.

Five Common Dimensional Modeling Mistakes and How to Solve Them

When designing your dimensional model, it is worthwhile to watch out for mistakes that commonly occur during the process. Specifically, they can occur in the relationships between tables, both in fact-to-dimension and dimension-to-dimension relationships. In this post, we’re going to take a closer look at five common modeling mistakes and what you can do about them. As you start a BI-related project, bulletproof dimensional design is hugely important. What makes a design bulletproof is the early mitigation of common design mistakes.

Facts about Facts: Organizing Fact Tables in Data Warehouse Systems

The process of defining your data warehousing system (DWH) has started. You’ve outlined the relevant dimension tables, which tie to the business requirements. These tables define what we weigh, observe and scale. Now we need to define how we measure. Fact tables are where we store these measurements. They hold business data that can be aggregated across dimension combinations. But the fact is that fact tables are not so easily described – they have flavors of their own.

Database Modeling Course (2)

You’re finally ready to get down to real data modeling. We’ll start off with entities and their attributes. Entities are the basic building block of every data model. In this post, you’ll find out what they are and how to identify them. What Is an Entity? What is a Specific Instance of an Entity? Data models help us to identify what kind of information we’ll store in our system. We use such models to address the question What will the data in our system be about?

Naming Conventions in Database Modeling

What’s In A Name? The Database Edition Database models require that objects be named. While several facets of naming an object deserve consideration, in this article we’ll focus on the most important one: defining a convention and sticking to it. Why Use Naming Conventions? Look at the database model below. I went a bit overboard and removed as many traces of a naming convention as I could. This proves my first point: a naming convention is an important part of a well-built data model.

Building an Information Mart With Your Data Vault

In the 3rd post in this series, we looked at how we prepare data for use with a concept called the Business Data Vault. Now, in this final part, I will show you the basics of how we project the Business Vault and Raw DV tables into star schemas which form the basis for our Information Marts. Raw Data Mart vs. Information Marts As of Data Vault 2.0, the terminology changed a bit to be more precise.

Creating Tables for Products and Services

Buying books was a way anyone could acquire a work of art for very little. Solomon “Sol” LeWitt, American artist, 1928–2007 Selling products and services can be two very different propositions. This originates in their differing definitions and real-world representations. Previously in this series, we discussed the table basics in the context of database design and sales. In this post, we’ll analyze the differences between products and services, how they impact the database model, and how we can accommodate both on one database.

Interesting Changes in MySQL 5.7

The General Availability version of MySQL is still version 5.6, but the development release of MySQL 5.7 definitely introduces some exciting changes to the world of database management systems. Is it worth giving a try? In this article, we’ll have a closer look at a few brand-new features that may help you decide to do so. Native JSON Support JSON (short for Java Script Object Notation) is a format for storing information which can be a good alternative to XML.

The Business Data Vault

In my last post, we looked at the basics of modeling your data warehouse using the Data Vault 2.0 technique. This time, we get into the details of how we prepare the DV tables for business user access. What is a Business Data Vault? If you have done any investigation into Data Vault on various blogs or the LinkedIn discussion group, you have seen a few terms used that often cause confusion.

Database Model for a Messaging System

People love to communicate. We often joke that any software system always evolves into a messaging system. This article will explain the system requirements and step by step approach to design a data model for a messaging system. Requirements in Nutshell The core functionality of a messaging system in an application is to send notifications/messages to a user or a set of users. Our system also allows one to send messages to a user group.

Applying Simple Access Control to a Small Data Model

“Information is the lifeblood of any organization…” We hear a lot of statements like this, or about an “information age,” or an “information economy.” When we agree with belief that amplifies the importance of information in the world today, we have to consider how to make that all-important information secure. Who can see my bank account? Was the facilities maintenance contract lost? Why can’t I get the latest lab report?

Data Vault 2.0 Modeling Basics

In my last post, we looked at the need for an Agile Data Engineering solution, issues with some of the current data warehouse modeling approaches, the history of data modeling in general, and Data Vault specifically. This time we get into the technical details of what the Data Vault Model looks like and how you build one. For my examples I will be using a simply Human Resources (HR) type model that most people should relate to (even if you have never worked with an HR model).

Database Modeling Course (1)

Data modeling is an essential step in the process of creating any complex software. It helps developers understand the domain and organize their work accordingly. In this article, which begins a new series devoted to database modeling, we’ll try to convince you why you should include it in your projects and what it looks like. Do I Really Need Data Modeling? As a novice developer, you often start your programming adventure with simple applications like the sieve of Eratosthenes or enumerating the Fibonacci sequence.

Modeling a Database for Recording Sales. Part 1

Storing sales data properly and later combining it can lead to creating a predictive model with a high rate of accuracy. In this and the next few articles we’ll analyze a database design for recording sales. Everyone lives by selling something. Robert Louis Stevenson In today’s world, selling products is ubiquitous. And salespeople who have access to robust tools that leverage historical data to analyze trends and enable an enterprise to adjust business strategies accordingly have an advantage over their competitors.

Tips for Better Database Design

Over the years, working as a data modeler and database architect, I have noticed that there are a couple rules that should be followed during data modeling and development. Here I describe some tips in the hope that they might help you. I have listed the tips in the order that they occur during the project lifecycle rather than listing them by importance or by how common they are.

What Is the Actual Definition of First Normal Form (1NF)?

The First Normal Form (1NF) is exceptional. The other normal forms (2NF, 3NF, BCNF) talk about functional dependencies and 1NF has nothing to do with functional dependencies. Moreover, we have precise definitions for other normal forms and there is no generally accepted definition of 1NF. Does 1NF Equate to “Atomic Attributes”? When you look at various descriptions of 1NF the word that you see most often is atomic. It is common to say that a relation is in 1NF if all its attributes are atomic.

Tackling Your Troubles – Building a Bug and Problem Database

Death and taxes – add “software problems” to that list of the inevitable. There is always a new issue, a new failure, a new key opportunity that an organization must address. And to avoid repeating the problems, or to revise your prior fixes, it is critical to capture the problems accurately and completely. You need a history of what happened and when. In this piece, we create the logical model for a problem or “bug” reporting system.

Database Model for a Driving School’s Reservation System. Part 2

Let’s build further changes into the data model, which I created in my earlier blog post, such as having an automated approach to assigning an instructor and vehicle to a lesson, invoicing to customers and tracking of them. First off, I need to build logic on the application side to assign an instructor and vehicle to lessons before they actually take place. The main thing to ensure here is availability, i.

How to Keep Track of What the Users Do

In several of the projects we have worked on, customers have asked us to log more user actions in the database. They want to know all of the actions the users perform in the application, but capturing and recording all human interactions can be challenging. We had to log all modifications of data performed via the system. This article describes some of the pitfalls we encountered and the approaches that we used to overcome them.

Designing a Data Model for a Hotel Room Booking System

It’s common knowledge that the best way to learn something is to practice it in a real-life scenario. Obviously, the same applies to database modeling. Therefore, in this article I decided to teach you how to create a simple database structure, taking a textbook example of a hotel room reservation system. I will show you how to get started and give you some ideas for extending the model.

Email Confirmation and Recovering Passwords

Modern applications have plenty of authentication features beside registration and login. In this article we will take a look at how to design the database for two such features: email confirmation and password recovery. Email Confirmation What Is It? Most people familiar with the Internet know what an activation email is. An activation email is sent to the user after he or she registers for an account on a website or web application and contains a link that will allow the user into the system.

7 Common Database Design Errors

Why Talk About Errors? Model Setup 1 – Using Invalid Names 2 – Insufficient Column Width 3 – Not Indexing Properly 4 – Not Considering Possible Volume or Traffic 5 – Ignoring Time Zones 6 – Missing Audit Trail 7 – Ignoring Collation Why Talk About Errors? The art of designing a good database is like swimming. It is relatively easy to start and difficult to master.

How to Store Authentication Data in a Database. Part 1

How difficult is it to program a user login function for an application? Novice developers think it’s very easy. Experienced developers know better: it is the most sensitive process in your application. Errors in login screens can lead to serious security issues. In this article we take a look at how to store authentication data in your database. The most common way to authenticate users nowadays is with user name and password.

Database Design: More Than Just an ERD

Database design is the process of producing a detailed model of a database. The start of data modelling is to grasp the business area and functionality being developed. Before Modeling: Talk to the Business People This is a key principle in information technology. We must remember that we provide a service and must deliver value to the business. In data modeling that means solving a business problem from the data-side such that the required data is available in a responsive and secure way.

How to Convert a Data Model Between Two Database Management Systems

Even though Vertabelo doesn’t provide a direct conversion of a data model from one database engine to another, this can be easily done in a few simple steps. The user’s question We’ve been developing a web application for a while. Initially, we wanted to use MySQL for our database but finally we decided to choose Postgres. Unfortunately, the entire data model was created for MySQL. How can we quickly migrate it to the new database type?

Spider Schema – a Bridge Between OLTP and OLAP?

Introduction As I mentioned in my article “OLAP for OLTP practitioners”, I am working on a project that needs to create an analytical database for on-line analytical processing (OLAP). I have mostly worked with on-line transaction processing (OLTP) with some limited reporting features. OLAP is a new area for me. In OLAP, the main focus of the database itself is simply to store data for analysis; there is limited maintenance of data.

A Book Review

Book and Author Importance of Data Model Quality Takeoff Checklist Merciless Review Merciless Humiliation? Is it Agile? Conclusion Book and Author Today I’m going to review “A Check List for Doing Data Model Design Reviews” by Kent Graziano. This publication is available as an e-book on Amazon.com. The book is very short – it will take you less than an hour to read it. But don’t let the small volume mislead you.

How (And How Not) to Decompose Relations

When you read about normalization you usually get the set of conditions that a database in the nᵗʰ normal form should satisfy and the set of rules, a sort of a cook-book, for obtaining that normal form. But why these rules are safe to apply to your denormalized relations is a skip material. Here, I would like to present some elementary concepts on how we decompose relations and what can go wrong.

OLAP for OLTP Practitioners

I am currently working on a project where we need to create a database that will be primarily used to store data for reporting and forecasting. In the past, I have mostly worked with databases used for typical CRUD (create, retrieve, update, and delete) operations of data with some limited reporting features. When performing CRUD operations, normalization is important; while in analytics, a de-normalized structure is generally preferred.

Basing Database Models in Reality: A Blogger’s Challenge

When writing a blog post on database modeling, you must be prepared that your abstract model doesn’t meet the needs of most readers. The reason is simple. Real-life database models are usually created in close relation to specific business and development requirements while the blog models are not. For the last few weeks, I have been writing blog posts about creating database models. Topics ranged from a general approach to database modeling through a simple online forum to a model for a more complex online survey.

“Concise Guide to Databases” – briefly about everything

There are books that you plan to read. Then, there are books that you actually started reading and then stopped. Then, there are books you started reading and you hope to finish sometime. The last database book I did read was “Concise Guide to Databases” by Peter Lake and Paul Crowther. As title suggests this is not a book that dwells deeply into one specific aspect of DB theory or technology, quite the opposite.

Designing & Deploying a PostgreSQL Database in the Cloud

Our users sometimes say to us: “Vertabelo is awesome but... how can I add the data?” Oh, come on! Vertabelo is not a database engine or a database administration tool. At least not at the moment. For now, Vertabelo is intended mainly to design database models. This doesn't mean that we don’t care about what you can do next with models created in our application. Of course, we do! That’s why we provide our users with some useful tools on our website and in our GitHub repository.

5 Steps for an Effective Database Model

Database design is the process of producing a detailed model of a database. This model contains the necessary logical (table names, column names) and physical (column datatypes, foreign keys) choices to translate the design into a data definition language (aka SQL), which can be used to create the actual physical database. When I need to create the design for a new database, in other words, the data layer for an application, I follow a few mental steps that I think can help others when they need to go through the same process.

5 Must-Read Database Modeling Books?

I recently realized that our database modeling library could use a few more advanced titles. So I headed over to Amazon to see what they had on offer. There are plenty of introductory books for beginners that tell you how to normalize data, and introduce you to indexes, but what about something for the professional, grown-up database modeler? Here are 5 of the best database modeling books I found (listed in no particular order) that go beyond the basics and come highly recommended by Amazon reviewers.

How to Store Employees’ Schedules in a Database

Level: Beginner So many organizations face the common problem of storing employee schedules. No matter what institution: a company, a university or simply an individual, many entities need an application to view schedules. Therefore, I will try to come up with a database model and then, in a future article, we’ll talk about a simple application to store employees’ schedules in a database. Currently the design looks as follows:

How Do You Make Your Database Speak Many Languages?

The Scenario You are the owner of an online store, located in Poland. The majority of your customers are from Poland and they speak Polish. But you want to sell your products abroad too and your international customers mainly speak English. So you want your online store to be available in both Polish and English. You also expect that your products will sell well in France, so you anticipate that you’ll have to prepare a French version of the store as well (and maybe Spanish too, because why not?

What Is a Database Index?

Sooner or later there comes a moment when database performance is no longer satisfactory. One of the very first things you should turn to when that happens is database indexing. This article will give you a general overview on what indexes are without digging into too much detail. We’ll discuss additional database index topics in future articles. In general, a database index is a data structure used to improve queries execution time.

Database engine usage by Vertabelo users

The Vertabelo journey continues … We now have almost 10,000 users and the number of Vertabelo advocates keeps growing strong. Vertabelo users come from over 100 countries and speak various languages. What unites them? The relational database. Let’s see what relational databases they use: We wanted to determine the most popular database engine among Vertabelo users based on one of three widely-used operating systems: Windows, Linux, Mac OS.

How to Model Inheritance in a Relational Database

In the process of designing our entity relationship diagram for a database, we may find that attributes of two or more entities overlap, meaning that these entities seem very similar but still have a few differences. In this case, we may create a subtype of the parent entity that contains distinct attributes. A parent entity becomes a supertype that has a relationship with one or more subtypes. First, let’s take a closer look at a simple class diagram.

N-ary relationship types

When we design a database, we draw an entity relationship diagram (ERD). It helps us understand what kind of information we want to store and what kind of relationships there are. It is imperative that this diagram is easy to read and understand. The number of entities in a relationship is the arity of this relationship. The aim of this article is to give some examples and show how big an impact the arity of relationships has on not only the readability of the diagram, but also the database itself.

Database Design 101: How to Start Creating a Database Model

In this video you will learn how to start creating your database model. You will find out why nouns are important and how you should handle them when creating a database model. If you want to learn more, read our beginner tutorial on how to create a database model. iframe.video-plugin { width: 735px; height: 415px; border: 0px solid #CCC; margin: 0px; } @media all and (max-width: 767px) { iframe.

The Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF)

Why do you need all of this normalization stuff? The main goal is to avoid redundancy in your data. Redundancy can lead to various anomalies when you modify your data. Every fact should be stored only once and you should know where to look for each fact. The normalization process brings order to your filing cabinet. You decide to conform to certain rules where each fact is stored. Nowadays the go-to normal forms are either the Boyce-Codd normal form (BCNF), which we will cover here today, or the third normal form (3NF), which will be covered later.

SQL Performance Explained – the must-read book

Some time ago, the Vertabelo Team participated in the PostgreSQL Conference Europe 2013. Some of the talks were really nice. One of them stuck in my head for quite a long time. It was Markus Winand’s lecture titled “Indexes: The neglected performance all-rounder.” Although I had had a solid background in databases, this 50 minutes long talk showed me that not everything concerning indexes was as clear to me as I had thought.

On Keys

Today we continue our series of posts on data normalization. In the previous post on data normalization I explained what functional dependency is. Today we will talk about candidate keys in a table. A candidate key is a set of columns such that all other columns in the table are dependent on it, and the set is minimal, that is if you remove a column, then the resulting set is not a candidate key.

On Functional Dependencies

Do you remember the post about update anomalies? I promised you we’d explain how to design tables which have no update anomalies. So here we go! Today we begin a series of posts on data normalization. We will talk about functional dependencies, a concept that needs to be explained before we dive deeply into database schema normalization. The subject is rather abstract and theoretical but I will try to restrain myself from going too deep into mathematics.

Update Anomalies

Let’s take a look at the following table: Customer Purchase date Product name Amount Price Total price Joe Smith 2014-02-14 Yoga mat 1 80 80 Jane Bauer 2014-02-16 Yoga block 2 30 60 Joe Smith 2014-02-14 Yoga block 2 30 60 Joe Smith 2014-02-14 Yoga strap 1 10 10 Thomas Apple 2014-02-18 Dumbbells 2kg 2 30 60 Jane Bauer 2014-02-16 Yoga mat 1 80 80 What’s wrong with this table?

How to Create a Database Model From Scratch

So you want to create your first database model but you don’t know how to start? Read on! I assume you already know a little about tables, columns, and relationships. If you don’t, watch our video tutorials before you continue. Start With a System Description You should always start creating a database model with a description of a system. In a classroom situation, a system description is given to you by a teacher.

Database Design 101: References

In this video tutorial you will learn about references – how to create a relationship between the tables, how it affects their structure, and how it looks in the data. iframe.video-plugin { width: 735px; height: 415px; border: 0px solid #CCC; margin: 0px; } @media all and (max-width: 767px) { iframe.video-plugin { width: 250px; height: 141px; } }

WordPress Database Finally Unveiled!!!

Sorry for that tabloid title, but I couldn’t resist. I’m going to show you how to view the database design of other people’s systems. It will work for legacy systems as well. Of course, you may call show tables and describe table in the database console but that’s a very rudimentary way to examine the structure. You’ll miss a bird’s eye view of the design which is crucial to understanding a system as a whole.

Database Design 101: Tables, Columns, and Data Types

Vertabelo presents part 2 of our Database Design 101 series that brings you easy-to-understand introduction to databases. This time we will focus on table columns and most commonly used data types. iframe.video-plugin { width: 735px; height: 415px; border: 0px solid #CCC; margin: 0px; } @media all and (max-width: 767px) { iframe.video-plugin { width: 250px; height: 141px; } }

Designing a Database: Should a Primary Key Be Natural or Surrogate?

Suppose we design a database. We’ve created some tables, each one has a few columns. Now we need to choose columns to be primary keys (PK) and make references between tables. And here some inexperienced designers face the dilemma – should a primary key be natural or surrogate? There’s one and only one answer to that question: it depends. If anyone ever tried to convince you that you should have only natural keys or only surrogate keys, just smile :)

Database Design 101: What is a Database

Welcome to our new Database Design 101 series that brings you an easy-to-understand introduction to databases. Let’s begin with answering the question what a database is and how data is stored in databases. iframe.video-plugin { width: 735px; height: 415px; border: 0px solid #CCC; margin: 0px; } @media all and (max-width: 767px) { iframe.video-plugin { width: 250px; height: 141px; } }

Database Design 101: Database Model for an Online Store

A good data modeling exercise for beginners is to create a data model of an online store. Every time I give this exercise to my students, I’m surprised at how difficult it is for them. Find the Concepts... Let’s see how it can be done. We know we have to create a table for every concept in the domain. Think about the nouns and noun phrases you would use to describe the domain.

How to embed a database diagram on the Internet

So I’m sitting here thinking to myself: How should I share a new Vertabelo feature with you? Should I write an over-hyped article full of industry jargon and marketing-speak? Hmmm. Tried and failed. I’ve just gotta show you the feature straight up and how simple it is to use. More meat, little fat, no fluff :). Well tah dah! Here it is: Go ahead, click on it. Use the mouse wheel to zoom.

Theory and History: Why are Relational Databases “Relational”?

Many people wonder why relational databases are called “relational.” Some think that it’s because of a logical entity-relationship model you often start your design with. Or, because you have tables and relationships (aka foreign keys) between them. But that’s not the case. The name comes from the mathematical notion of “relation.” It all started with E. F. Codd who in 1970 (in the article A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks) proposed something now called relational algebra as the mathematical foundation of databases.

Good news: we now support views

Today we are happy to announce that Vertabelo has a new feature we've been working on for some time – views. Now you can easily add them to the diagram, change their definition and other properties and have them generated in your SQL scripts. Quick overview of views Let's take a look at how simple it is to create a new view in our editor. Our goal is to make a view which joins three tables as follows:

Five reasons why we built Vertabelo

We are launching a new product on a market, so let me tell you the short story about how and why Vertabelo was born. e-point and I personally have more than fifteen years of experience in building business applications. All of them use relational databases as a storage for their data. Most of those applications are rather big - think about hundreds of tables in a database and hundreds of screens in a UI.

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