Author: Shamal Jayawardhana
Shamal is a senior software consultant and educator with 20+ years of experience. He has an MBA from London Metropolitan University and a graduate diploma in IT from the British Computer Society. He also holds professional certification from the Australian Computer Society. Shamal hails from Sri Lanka and loves listening to English, Spanish, and Sinhalese songs.
What Are the Popular Database Management Systems?
What are the most popular DBMSs in the software industry, and why are they popular? Read on to upgrade your knowledge.
As a software engineer or a student learning about databases, you may know and work with many database management systems (DBMSs) in your projects. There are hundreds of DBMSs in use in the modern database world, so it pays to know about the most popular DBMSs and their features, advantages, disadvantages, and their applications.
What Are the Roles in the Vertabelo Team Account? What Can Each Role Do?
Are you working on a team data modeling project? Find out about Vertabelo’s team account and how it can help you collaborate on a database model.
Collaborating on database models, especially remotely, is challenging enough. Why pay for separate user accounts? In this article, we’ll explain Vertabelo’s new team account, its user roles, and its benefits. The Vertabelo team account makes collaboration on database models easier and more efficient. Let’s see why.
What’s the Best ER Diagram Tool for SQL Server?
Are you working on an SQL Server database project? Read this article to learn about the perfect SQL Server ER diagram tool.
SQL Server is a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) developed by Microsoft Corporation. It allows database developers to build desktop and web-based database applications.
In addition, many IT professionals (including Database Architects, Software Engineers, CTOs, etc.) and semi-professionals (including university students) use SQL Server modeling tools. So, let’s learn about the best SQL Server ERD tools and their features.
Top 7 Useful Online Database Tools
Let’s discuss some useful tools for designing and developing your database hassle free while saving you money and time.
In the modern software world, database systems play an important role. Most businesses depend on various database systems. Database architects and software engineers design and develop various types of database systems to manage the business. Online database tools have become very well known among database specialists and software engineers for their advantages.
What's the Best MySQL ER Diagram Tool?
Still spending hours of manual work on MySQL data modeling? Discover the best MySQL modeling tools that save you time and money!
The ER diagram (or entity-relationship diagram) has become an extremely popular data modeling concept among data architects, database administrators, and DB developers. And MySQL is one of the most popular database management systems (DBMS), especially for web applications. Thus, many ER diagram tools that support MySQL (aka MySQL ERD tools) have arrived in the market during the last decade.
What to Look for in Your ER Diagram Tool
Do you find it challenging to choose the perfect ER diagram tool to save time and cost for your next database project? Unsure which features are the most important to include in your evaluation criteria? Read this article!
The entity relationship diagram, or ER diagram, has been an industry standard used in database modeling among database architects for many years. An ER diagram is a graphical way of presenting a proposed database schema (tables, references, views, etc.
5 Examples of Conceptual Data Models
Are you a student or a beginning data modeler who wants to learn more about data modeling? Let’s start learning with the conceptual data model – the least detailed of the three models.
In this article, we’ll discuss the conceptual data model using some real-world examples.
As you know, data modeling is the process of describing real-world data – its relationships, features, and attributes – in a structured document like an ER (entity-relationship) diagram.
Top 7 Entity Relationship (ER) Diagram Online Tools
Are you searching for the best online ER diagram tool? Read on and discover our top picks.
Data modeling is one of the most critical parts of a software project. Database architects use ER diagrams (also called ERDs or Entity Relationship Diagrams) as a data modeling technique.
Many ER diagram tools are available, but choosing the best tool for your project can be hard. Still, your data model is a key factor in the success of your entire project; it’s important to get it right.